Part 62: So Long, Little Buddy...
That was fast! Thanks.
Hey, it's Stinger and Coen meeting with Roddick! They're going to be at the U. N.'s summit on the extraterrestrial threat, presenting their findings on the Invaders. They do feel like they could have learned so much more with Saotome's help, but Roddick says Saotome has his own things to deal with and leaves.
But privately, Stinger and Coen are more interested in the beastmen, who've got a large force moving across Asia from the east. Coen calls them "purposeless creatures that rejected the Getter Rays." They're useful, perhaps, but not worth their (whose?) attention if they have no drive to evolve.
On the other hand, those that hunt the Beastmen are very interesting. Perhaps most interesting of all. And without Saotome, they'll have to intervene personally. "All in the name of Getter Rays, and the race to the apex of evolution," they cackle in unison.

Speaking of the Beastmen! Lordgenome is still grumbling about the meddling of "the one who knows the doom of the other world" (Zuul, Guame has to clarify). He has his minion snooping around the Dark Continent, and he's even joined with "he who dwells in those ruins." Lordgenome, it's just you and your general here - you don't need to be cryptic. We know who Dr. Hell is!
Guame wonders, is he trying to gather an army to fight Ba'al? Lordgenome suspects he simply wants the power hidden on this planet. Still, Lordgenome can handle him well enough himself; the real concern is the Ten Million Monkeys. The one who overcomes that limit will change the world, it's said. One man is already trying to lead the monkeys, but Lordgenome has already sent one of his four generals, Thymilf the Avalanche, to deal with him. He himself has much to prepare before the battle with those who would take the world's power...

Stinger and Coen weren't kidding - this is what happened when the beastmen rolled through China. That army is still running around here, and Elgan has asked us to put a stop to them. Elgan won't give us a rest, will he?

Yoko seems not to have realized that every girl in ZEUTH has figured her out from day one, and if she wants Kamina, she'll have to chase him, because he's never going to stop for her or anyone else. Elchi dreamily says that whoever does follow him, though, is going to find themselves in new and wonderful places before they know it, and it's definitely the voice of experience (Yoko sputters that Kamina isn't that... round). Gain, Exodus expert, agrees - those kinds of guys blaze trails behind them.

Meanwhile, Leeron is watching Renton and Eureka very closely - Eureka specifically. Renton yells at him (her?) to back away, and Leeron tells Eureka they can chat another time. Leeron seems to know who Eureka is, but Renton, in blissful ignorance, tells Eureka he won't let... it? bother her again.
Now Simon's staring at the couple, and it's Renton he's interested in - or rather (though Cynthia giggles that it would explain the "bro" thing), in his relationship with Eureka.

Yeah, him, and he's working for the beastmen now. Why's he got to keep butting heads with Jiron? "Aw, melonhead, don't flatter yerself. I just like choosin' the winning team."

And he hasn't come alone. Timp is here to duel his nemesis, but to Viral's great disappointment, he has not. Though he's not giving that honor to Timp - despite his assignment, Timp and Viral do not get along.

But no, Kamina is going to have to deal with Thymilf the Avalanche, a tremendous monster of a warrior and one of the Spiral King's four generals. He says we've earned the wrath of the Spiral King himself.

We've annoyed Thymilf slightly, but he just came to let us know that he's going to come for us tomorrow, with his army and his Dai-Gan-Zan (Great Mountain). If we have any affairs to settle, we have tonight to do it. He stomps away with sneering Viral and Timp in tow.

Simon is crapping his pants again, and Yoko advocates pulling out and planning our attack, but Kamina, of course, will have nothing to do with that bullshit. "We won't run! We won't hide! We won't turn back! That's the force of my and Simon's passion!" (It's clearly not.) We're gonna take on Thymilf tomorrow morning on the field of battle!

GOONZ is preparing to move out in a few hours; Zero and Sumeragi are doing their best to form a battle plan. Ideally, we can just focus on Thymilf, but all we know about the Dai-Gan-Zan is its name. Kitan has no patience for all of this worrying and is throwing a fit; Dayakka explains that they've been fighting the Ganmen for a long time. Kamina may look like an idiot, but he gave them real hope for the first time ever - he was the first to even think of jacking a Ganmen, and Gurren-Lagann has become a symbol of resistance against the Spiral King's oppression.
ZEUTH, who got here late to the party, hadn't thought of it that way, but it makes a lot of sense; Kamina is a moral leader, and where he points, others are inspired.

Simon is, as always, thinking of how totally awesome Kamina is. Yoko remembers thinking Simon was a load on Kamina, but she reminds Simon of what Kamina told her - that Simon's always there to pull him up when it looks darkest. Tomorrow, Kamina'll be counting on him, and so will she.

Damn it.

It's the next morning! We're going to need a lot of fast units. Kamina gives the order to charge straight at Thymilf!
Zero's letting Kamina take charge. Kamina is a very different kind of leader than himself, but maybe Kamina's magical ability to instill an army with the kind of courage to take on an unknown but mighty enemy headfirst is just what's needed here.

Thymilf's army shows up, and it's a big one...

And we've got a sighting on the Dai-Gan-Zan, an enormous mobile Ganmen landship. Kamina wants it! Jacking the thing might be tricky, but Kamina's got Leeron working on a plan. All we have to do is immobilize that boat!

In four turns, wiping out the enemy first.

Before long, the scent of blood has drawn...

Yoko, again, urges Kamina to fall back, and Kamina urges her to shut up. It is true that we won't be able to pull out now without taking heavy fire. There's only one direction to go!
By the way, Leeron's figured out how to jack the Dai-Gan-Zan. You know how Gurren and Lagann combined? Well, that's because Lagann's Spiral Drive has the ability to override the controls of any other Ganmen. Gurren-Lagann is just a matter of having Lagann tap Gurren's machinery and take over its controls. From here it's pretty simple - we're going to fuse Lagann with the Dai-Gan-Zan. Simon isn't convinced he's up to the task, but Kamina and Yoko both urge him on.
The catch is that Lagann's fusion depends on Simon's will and focus. All he has to do is concentrate, and the rest of GOONZ will back him up. Sounds easy enough, right?

Anyway, Thymilf, Viral, and Timp don't move, but it's only turn 1.

The Invaders aren't much of a concern.

Let's start on the bosses.

Eh. Like he said, Viral's not the main problem here. We can mop him up at leisure.

The beastman army is completely destroyed by the end of the turn; Dai-Guard's crew learn Drive, Hayato learns Sense.

Viral and Timp focus on Kamina, so I don't think he can take a shot at Thymilf just yet, though we can certainly hope for him to survive so Simon can patch up the machine.

Okay, wow.

Anyway, we're not dead yet.

And there are just a couple of Invaders, who'll just die on the next turn by themselves.

Gurren-Lagann quickly gets back to full.

So Simon takes out Viral and gets a Pigmole Steak.

Now for Timp.

Eh, next turn.

We've really gotta get started on Thymilf.

Gurren-Lagann's running out of power, but we're this close.

Jiron and Timp have an incredibly shitty duel.

Thymilf attacks Dai-Guard, for some reason.

It's the last turn now. Charge!

Timp is finally dead, dropping an ammo Cartridge and a lump of 10,000 G.

And then Simon takes down Thymilf.

The Dai-Gan-Zan spins out of control, and Simon tries to take over it... but it doesn't seem to be working.

But then Thymilf in his Byako blasts his way out of the ship, throwing the Gurren! Kamina is injured by the force of the blow, and Thymilf follows up:
GOONZ tries to give Kamina cover fire, but that just tells Thymilf how important Kamina is to GOONZ - how badly he needs to be destroyed.

Simon easily dismisses the Dai-Gan-Zan, and now Thymilf is really mad. Kamina declares that it's time to take down that Byakou with Gurren-Lagann.

This is a video of that. It had a bunch of yelling and I thought it looked cool, is all.

In one turn!



In light of all that, a Land Module seems... insufficient.

Chapter 32: So Long, Little Buddy...